Nora Gowdy Diaries - 1898




  December 1st  
  Went to prayer meeting. Love cut his finger just before we started. It pains him very much.  
  December 4th  
  Did not get in until 9 o'clock. Love went out to the market to get something for breakfast. It was very cold and stormy. We did not go out at all except Love went to A.G.'s for some popcorn. They were not home so Love went to Al's. They did not have any so Love went to the Springs and she did not know where it was although she knew they had some. Home then.  
  December 5th  
  Cold and stormy. Love went to work as usual but his thumb is very sore and it bothers him a great deal.  
  December 6  
  I am entertaining a sore throat for a change. Not very bad but disagreeable. Had a letter from Mama and answered it.  
  December 7th  
  Nell Hiatt was here at noon and wants me to go to the church Friday for rehearsal and to help arrange for the evening. I'm to take part in an entertainment to be given by the Epworth League. My throat was much better -- not getting worse at night. Love thinks it is doubtful if I can go to the church Friday night. Wrote a letter to Love's sister Charity.  
  December 8  
  My throat still getting worse. Love will have to tell Miss Hiatt I will be unable to take my part.  
  December 10  
  The Simmons came over to help me. We made bread and cookies. She knocked [??] and ironed some for me. Minnie G. was here are all the p.m. Brought me a cake. Minnie Gowdy
  December 11  
  A lovely day to look out but cold. Love went to Sunday school but I could not go on account of my cold. A.G. was here in a.m.. Mort, Anna and Ila here in the p.m. Al and Minnie here in the evening. Nora has two sister-in-laws named Minnie. Her brother-in-law Albert Morris's wife and her brother Jack Gowdy's wife.
  December 13  weather cold thermometer zero. Cold morning.  
  "One year ago today I went to work in the Tappan shoe factory." Wrote a letter to Mama in the evening. My cold is getting better. Nell Hiatt called at noon to know how I was. Not well enough to take my part in, "Songs of Seven" tomorrow night. We have a picture of Nora on the front porch of a house with the same caption below it. Now we know when it was.
  December 14  clear and cold, thermometer 0  
  Coldest morning of this season. Our kitchen window dropped down from the top and everything was frozen up. Love went to Springs for water to get breakfast. He did not leave the house until the last whistle had blown. Probably the Tappan factory whistle.

One summer eve
with pensive thought,
I wondered on the
sea -- shore
Where oft in --
I gathered shells
in days before
The splashing waves
like music fell
Responsive to my
every will
A train came o'er
me like a spell
I thought it was again a child

A poem Nora wrote?
  Commenced work at the shoe factory December 13,1897  

I stood upon the
-- strand
To cull the toys
that around me lay
But as I took them my hand
I threw them one
by one away. Repeat.
O' thus I said in
every stage
By toys our fancy
is beguiled.
We gather shells
from Earth to ye
and then we
leave them
like a child.

A song?
  Paid Dunns back 1.50